Scientific Response against COVID-19 Project Information Day and TÜBİTAK Vaccine and Medicine Campus Introduction Held at TÜBİTAK MAM

The “Scientific Response Against COVID-19” Project Information Day and the “TÜBİTAK Vaccine and Drug Development Campus Introduction Program” were held on June 16, 2023, at the TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center."

The program was conducted with high-level participants from a wide spectrum including the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Turkish Health Sciences Institute (TUSEB), Covid-19 Türkiye Platform, Universities, and Pharmaceutical companies.

During the program, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hilal Yazıcı Malkoçoğlu, TUBITAK MAM Life Sciences Vice President and Medical Biotechnology Research Group Leader, gave an information presentation about TUBITAK Vaccine and Drug Campus infrastructure, work areas, and common grounds with the pharmaceutical industry. Afterwards, the “Looking to the Future with TUBİTAK in the Türkiye Century” presentation was made by TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal.

"The campus we are in has the motivation to bring together all stakeholders of this ecosystem."

Prof. Dr. Mandal indicated that TUBITAK Vaccine and Drug Campus serves as a tool for working together, reaching process, results, and success together in Türkiye's future. He stated, "There is no guarantee of what kind of epidemics we will or will not face in the future. With changing climate conditions or polar melts, viruses that don't exist today might exist in the future. Therefore, when looking at health in the future, we are taking an approach where we try to keep the concept of one health on the agenda, where we need to think about environmental health and climate conditions simultaneously. Unless we take a holistic view of human health, animal health leading to food supply security, and environmental health, we can only try to find solutions to future epidemics after they occur. If we want to be prepared beforehand, it will be beneficial to look at this perspective with a broader and more holistic view. For this very reason, the campus we are in has the motivation to bring together all stakeholders of this ecosystem."

Prof. Dr. Mandal continued his words by stating that "with the Covid-19 pandemic, a working model was established from all the difficulties experienced, and challenging conditions led us to interact more with each other and produce solutions for our common future. In this sense, we support these and similar platforms, especially during this period, not only in the health field but in different areas as well."

After the presentations, the National Biological and Chemical Test Center and Medical Biotechnology Center of Excellence were visited. Authorized personnel provided on-site information about the work being carried out at TUBITAK Vaccine and Drug Campus.

Under the moderation of Prof. Dr. Cengizhan Öztürk, informative presentations were made about the studies conducted by scientists in the Covid-19 Türkiye Platform. Ideas were exchanged on models for solving difficulties experienced in R&D drug and vaccine production processes.

In the final session of the program, B2B meetings were held by participants to evaluate cooperation opportunities.

Giant Step in Health Industry: Pilot Facility for Drug and Vaccine Production Launched

The Medical Biotechnology Center of Excellence (MEDIBIO), where biotechnological drug and vaccine candidates are developed starting from cells, production processes are carried out, and laboratory analyses are performed, is described as a groundbreaking milestone in drug and vaccine production.

MEDIBIO stands out with an additional installation area that allows for rapid establishment of a production facility when needed. This flexibility provides an important advantage to the health industry by offering quick and effective intervention capability in emergencies.

In this center equipped with advanced technology, there is a pilot-scale production area using single-use technologies compliant with drug regulations. This area will play a critical role in the production process of biotechnological drugs before clinical trials. Additionally, intensive R&D activities will be conducted at MEDIBIO for the discovery of innovative treatments and health solutions.

MEDIBIO will have an important role in developing future treatments and healthcare services by providing great momentum in research and innovation.

This new center aims to be a pioneer in drug and vaccine production and brings together all stakeholders in the health industry to discover and produce more effective, safe, and innovative treatments.

National Biological and Chemical Testing Center Will Increase Türkiye's Defense Power

The National Biological and Chemical Test Center (BKTM), operating for Türkiye's defense needs, will perform international standard testing and certification of domestic and imported Chemical and Biological defense products. BKTM will reduce foreign currency outflow while ensuring security in confidential matters by being a center where products manufactured with domestic and national technology are tested.

This facility will also serve as a center where R&D and P&D activities are conducted, examining the performance and effects of systems and equipment needed in national and military defense against biological and chemical agents, while ensuring compliance with standards accepted by certain authorities. Operating with the support and cooperation of the Ministry of National Defense, this center will increase international recognition and host testing of defense products from friendly-allied countries. The center stands out as a large complex with its 16,200 square meters of enclosed area, including a 6,700 square meter Biology Test Block, 6,500 square meter Chemistry Test Block, and 3,000 square meter administrative area.

This facility will enhance Türkiye's strength in the defense sector with its international standard testing and certification while contributing to the prominence of domestic defense products.