About Us

The "Scientific Response Against COVID-19 with Scientific Solutions (SciREACT)" project, conducted by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology (Contracting Authority) under the Competitive Sectors Programme (RSP), aims to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, which has profoundly affected both our country and the world, and to support research and development efforts in this field. The project is being carried out by TUBITAK Marmara Research Center.

The direct grant project titled "Scientific Response Against COVID-19", of which TUBITAK and TUSEB consortium are the beneficiaries, has been carried out under the coordination of TUBITAK MAM Presidency since July 09, 2021.

The project aims to provide financial support to the "COVID-19 Turkey Platform" established under the "1004 Center of Excellence Support Program" coordinated by TUBITAK MAM, to combat COVID-19 affecting the whole world and our country, and to support research and development studies on this subject. 

The COVID-19 Turkey Platform, under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Türkiye and coordinated by TUBITAK Marmara Research Center, aimed to enable swift responses under pandemic conditions with treatment-focused drug and vaccine development projects with contributions from scientists in Türkiye.  

Within the scope of the project, 49 different institutions and organizations (32 universities, 8 private companies, and 9 R&D units)" were found suitable for support. 7 vaccine and 10 drug projects were simultaneously initiated in March 2020 and have been ongoing since then. As of 2023, 7 vaccine projects (2 preclinical, 4 Phase I, 1 Phase II) and 10 drug projects (6 preclinical, 3 Phase II, 1 Commercial product) have reached different levels.

Including 436 researchers and 167 STAR scholars, with women making up more than half of the participants, have actively contributed to the platform's projects."

COVID-19 Türkiye Platform




Private Sector Institutions


Public R&D Units


Vaccine Development Projects




Drug Development Projects